Voici quelques photos de nos vacances a Borneo, où nous avons gravit le Mont Kinabalu.
Hello everyone,
Here are somes pictures of our holidays in Borneo, where we did climb the Mount Kinabalu.
Tout commence bien....
Everything begins well....
Puis, apres quelques marches....
Then, after some stairs....
Ca commence a être dur.... on ne rigole plus....
It is starting to get hard...very hard... nobody laugh anymore...
Sur le chemin nous avons vu de jolies fleurs, et avons marche dans le brouillard...
On the way, we saw some nice flowers, and we walked in the fog...
Nous sommes arrives au chalet vers 15h30. Nous y avons mange vers 16h30 et a 18h30 tout le monde au lit!!! et le lendemain, a 2h30 du matin, nous avons repris notre chelin jusqu'au sommet.
We reached the lodge around 3.30pm. We had our dinner at 4.30pm and we went to bed at 6.30 to get ready at 2.30am and continue the way up to the summit.
Et enfin nous redescendons...ca va mieux
And then we start to go down.... feeling better..
Finalement, nous voici a l'hotel le lendemain, avec vue sur le Mont Kinabalu:
Here we are finally the day after, at the hotel with view on the Mount Kinabalu:
Une experience fantastique!! A faire!!! Mais attention, être bien entrainé!!
A fantastic experience!! Something to do!! But be carefull, don't go there if you're not well trained!!!
Great work Steph you made it to the top! Hehe looking like a real sherpa at the end with the scarf. Next stop Mt Everest!
RépondreSupprimerHello Des!
RépondreSupprimerThanks for following our adventures mate!
Yep, it was very difficult (at least for me) but worth doing it!
Looking like a real sherpa! ahahah! Yep that's right actually... I think I look funny too. You know, it was fun to wear all these warm clothes, as in Singapore, it is always very hot and humid. It has been a long time I did not wear all these clothes... actually, this time, I was wearing my Stockholm coat! ...I miss Stockholm sometimes...the snow..the cold... anyway! Here I'm in Singapore and I'm enjoying life here too!
Cheers mate,