Nous sommes allés il y a quelques semaines, sur une petite ile perdue dans la mer de Chine du Sud, a une heure d'avion de la ville de Kota Kinabalu, juste apres etre monte sur le Mont Kinabalu. Nous sommes alles la-bas pour plonger a la decouverte des requins marteaux. Nous avons vu de superbes coraux et poissons en tous genres, des raies mantas superbes mais helas pas beaucoup de requins marteaux...juste un banc le dernier jour mais ils etaient trop profond, et nous les avons simplement aperçus...
We went on a trip to a small island lost in the South China sea, at 1 hour flight from Kota Kinabalu on Borneo island. The aim of our trip was to dive to see some Hammer Head Sharks. We saw many beautiful corals and fishes; everything was so colourful. One of the dives was particularly great as we dived with 2 Mantas Rays that time. About the hammer heads, we've been a bit disappointed because we did saw them only the last day, but they were too deep, and we could not see their head properly...
Commençons par une photo de l'ilot et du lagon:
Let's start with a pic of the small island and the lagoon
A ray and a shark:
Poisson pierre:
Stone Fish:
Photo des Trigger fish: ceux-la sont assez mechants...faire attention!!
Picture of the Trigger fishes..;these ones are be careful!!!
Une rascasse volante..
Bye bye!!!