samedi 19 novembre 2011

Noel a singapour!!!

Et oui ca y est, c'est Noel a Singapour!

Yep, it's already Christmas in Singapore!

Cheers everyone : )

Coucou a tous,
Nous revenons d'un week-end de plongee aux Philippines. Malheureusement notre appareil photo sous-marin est tombe en panne!!!
Mais bon voici quelques photos de la ou nous etions (vive l'Iphone et l'appareil photo des copains); superbe coin des Philippines!!

Hello everyone,
We're back from a diving week-end in the Philippines. Unfortunately, our underwater camera did not work there!!! what a shame!!! We'll still have some pics thanks to the Iphone and our friends' camera : )

Notre bateau de plongee_our diving boat

Et voila!
Cheers everyone : )